To: the Archduke Rudolph, Vienna
Baden, May 27, 1813

Anderson v1 pg420 - letter #426

Your Imperial Highness!

       I have the honour to inform you of my arrival at Baden, which indeed is still very empty so far as people are concerned; but all the more fully and lavishly is Nature decked out in her profusion and ravishing beauty – If I am doing anything wrong or have done so, kindly make allowances for me, for a number of unfortunate incidents occurring one after the other have really driven me into a state bordering on mental confusion.  However, I am convinced that the glorious beauties of Nature and the lovely surroundings of Baden will restore my balance and that a twofold calm will take control of me, seeing that by staying here for a while I am fulfilling also Y.I.H.’s desires [Anderson footnote: “The Archduke Rudolph was coming to Baden.”] – Would that my longing to hear soon that you are enjoying perfect health were also fulfilled.  That is indeed my most ardent desire.  And how grieved I am that just now I am neither permitted nor able to contribute in any way to your recovery and your welfare by means of my art.  That privilege is reserved for the goddess Hygeia alone.  After all I am only a poor mortal who sends his compliments to Y.I.H. and ardently desires to be allowed soon to visit you at Baden –

                 Your Imperial Highness’s
                            Most obedient and loyal servant
                                                           Ludwig van Beethoven